Thursday, November 20, 2014

Random Fact of the Day: I'm a character in a published novel!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present, the book that I, Mackenzie Graham, am a character in.


The book is called Shadow of Freedom and it's from a series of books written by the amazing David Weber. This is no joke guys! I have my own Wiki page!!!

"Mackenzie Graham was a Seraphim citizen and resistance fighter.
Together with her brother, Indiana, she worked to undermine the OFS-controlled government around 1922 PD. During that time, they made contact with Mesan Alignment agent Damien Harahap, who falsely promised them the help of the Star Empire of Manticore. (HH14) "

The story behind this all came to be, is actually pretty interesting. My dad has always been a fan of sci-fi novels and really took a liking to David Weber's books. When my brother was in the hospital, receiving chemotherapy, my dad would stay with him and always had a book on hand. Usually one of Mr. Weber's. The cool thing about David is that in the back of his books, there is contact information, that you can use to get in touch and he will possibly put you in one of his books!
So, my dad, being my dad, decided to email him. He emailed Mr. Weber and told him all about the years my brother had been battling cancer. He also told him about the many difficulties I've faced with my own physical disabilities. After numerous emails back and forth, it was decided that not only my brother, but me and my father would be characters in the book!

I was so excited. As an avid reader, this was like a dream come true! In the book, my brother (Indiana) and I have numerous conversations...I can't even tell you how spot on our personalities are. It's like David knew us without even meeting us! He sent us rough drafts of the book, and it was just spectacular. It was crazy how someone we've never met, could know us so well.

In 2012, my brother Indiana lost his five year battle with cancer. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss him like crazy, but because of this book, I can skim the pages and read our conversations, and it feels like it actually happened. It's a small, but it's something.

I love this book so much!

Would you be interested in reading this series?? Let me know in the comments below!!

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