All About Me!

Get's about to get weird.

So glad you stumbled on my Blog! Welcome to the magical world of Ginger-Snap Cosplay! My name is Mackenzie, and I'll be your host through this magical mystery ride!
Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself:

My name is Mackenzie, but everyone calls me Kenzie or Kenz. I'm 22 years young and I live in the North Dallas suburbs of the great state of Texas for half the year, and the other half, I live in Stillwater, Oklahoma. I'm a student at Oklahoma State University, studying Management Science Information Systems, or MSIS, with a focus in Information Assurance. Basically, I'm getting a degree in computer hacking. I'm engaged to the most amazing guy on the planet! His name is Aaron and he's an even bigger nerd than I am! 

I love anything techy, geeky, or nerdy. I was a pastry major for two years and can make one hell of a red velvet cupcake. I've always been a crafty person, thanks to my mom! I couldn't help but spend hours at the kitchen table watching her make things and sew costumes from pieces of fabric and paper patterns. I still remember her making my Sailor Moon costume one Halloween when I was younger (which I still have). I think THAT moment was when cosplay started to interest me. (Wow, that sounded so hipster. "I did cosplay BEFORE it was cool." hahaha).

So instead of me droning on and on about myself in paragraph form, how's about an easy to read Q&A?

How did you get into all the nerdy things?
I never SET OUT to be a "nerd". It just sorta happened. I grew up as the youngest of 4 kids (One sister and two brothers). I was your typical little sister, wanting to tag along and do everything my older brothers did. Whether it be watching "boy cartoons" on Saturday morning or play "guys" with them using my Sailor Moon dolls, whatever they were doing, I HAD to do. We all LOVED video games and to this day still have over 8 gaming consoles (my favorites being the NES, Super Nintendo, and N64). Basically, I owe all my nerdiness to my two older brothers :D

What games do you play?
Diablo is what got me started. I still remember playing when I was little, genuinely getting freaked out and scared! Luckily, I grew out of that fear ;P and now, I play League of Legends, ANY Zelda game (but my favorite is Ocarina of Time), Final Fantasy, Alice: Madness Returns, Call of Duty...You Name it, I play it. 
...oh, and I'm a KILLER at Mario Kart. 

What's your League of Legends screen name? 

What are some of your favorite bands/singers?
   Let's keep with the top 5 thing...IN NO ORDER!
   1. The Beatles
   2. Paramore
   3. Anything involving Johnny Craig
   4. Edith Piaf
   5. Etta James
(And anything that would have been played at Woodstock)

What Comics do you read?
Too many to list! I absolutely LOVE ANYTHING Batman related. Absolutely love! Right now, I'm really loving the new Guardians Of The Galaxy comics (and old of course) and I'm also loving my hubby's many original comic series he's writing! 

What Movies do you LOVE?
Again, TOO many to list. But I'll do a top 5.
   1. Alice in Wonderland (animated)
   2. Guardians of the Galaxy (yeah, it was THAT GOOD).
   3. Saving Private Ryan
   4. Pride & Prejudice
   5. Godfather - ALL OF THEM.

Lover or a Fighter?
Hmmmm...I'd have to say both! For the most part, I'm very go-with-the-flow, but don't get me wrong...I've got a temper to match my firey red hair.
Any pets?
Two! One 13 yr old yellow lab named Maddi and a 2 year old westie named Zeus.

What's your worst fear?
Losing the ones I love. And clowns. Like, CREEPY clowns. 
As a kid, were you a Lego builder?
With two older brothers, ARE YOU KIDDING?! OF COURSE! 

Were you a cute baby?
You betcha. Mom always asks what happened...haha
It's like a Broadway musical every time!
True gamer from day 1
What's your ideal vacation spot?
Probably Fort Collins, Colorado. My fiancĂ© and I went up there for a summer to see his dad and I fell IN LOVE with the place. I LOVE the mountains. 
Have you ever had sushi?
Yeah, but I can't stand the taste of seaweed. I'm super boring when it comes to sushi, but Shrimp Nigiri is my jam!

Have you ever seen "Donnie Darko"?
Is marriage in your future?
Yep! I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world! I've got the most amazing fiancé EVER! His name is Aaron and he's a super nerd like myself :3
What are you allergic to?
Raspberry scented Nair...Don't ask...

Are you afraid of the dark?
A little bit. But who doesn't have a slight fear of the dark?

What are you addicted to?
Soda. Vinyl POP figures. Anything Batman. Phone cases.

Are you psychic?
I knew you were going to ask me this question...Does that count?

Can you skateboard?
I COULD. Past tense. Too many falls and wrecks. Just wasn't a good idea for an uncoordinated person :P
Do you like camping?
LOVE IT! My best friend and I go camping every summer!

Do you snort when you laugh?
Yes. It's terrible.

So yeah! That's a lot...Hopefully I covered everything you could ever want to know about me! If you have any questions feel free to contact me! :D

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