Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Announcements! GingerSnap Finally on Twitter??

Hey y'all! I know I've been super busy lately, but I promise I haven't forgotten about y'all! I've been trying to write up some tutorials about my upcoming cosplays, but I'm also trying to finish them all! So many little parts and pieces, I'm starting to worry I won't finish in time!!

Anywho! I'm pleased to say that I FINALLY got a Twitter up and running! Now you guys can have easier access to when blogs are posted AND you can shoot me any questions you guys have! I'm still getting it all together while I sit here and make business cards to hand out at con this weekend! Really really REALLY excited about it so go follow!!

I can't wait to see you guys over there! And I PROMISE! I'll have a post up at least by the end of the day Friday! After all, I'll want to share my first experiences at con with you guys!! :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

HEYYY YOU GUYSSSS! (The post I've owed you guys for 2 weeks PLUS a special announcement!)

HEY GUYS! Sorry I feel of the face of the Earth (AGAIN). The past semester in school has REALLY beaten me up, and I needed to devote all my time to studying for finals. Now that finals are over, summer has officially begun and that means, MORE TIME TO GIVE Y'ALL AWESOME DIY PROJECTS! I've got a bunch of awesome, exciting, fantastic, magical news to share with you guys! But first, let's start with the post I promised you guys like two weeks ago! TREAT. YO. SELF.

A few weeks back, Aaron came up to visit me before Dead Week/Finals kicked into full swing. We of course did our normal schedule - Shortcakes, Hastings, and grocery shopping. Hastings was having a sale on POPs!! Buy two, get one for $1. So, instead of paying $30, 3 POPs would only be $21. That's a pretty good deal! I knew I was gonna get some, but I didn't have specific ones in mind. Whoda thunk it....I found POPs that I've been searching for for a LONG time.

Let me introduce the newest POPs to the collection! Trixie, Skipper, and Oogie-Boogie!! 
I've been hunting for Skipper and Oogie-Boogie for a really long time! I just haven't been able to find them in any of the stores! To tide me over for the time being, Aaron got me an Oogie Boogie bobble head that was much bigger than the POPs, for Christmas, but I was still set on finding the POP version. I was lucky to find them at Hastings! And even luckier that they were having such an awesome sale! 


Now, the fun didn't stop there! While I was pouring over the POPs, Aaron managed to find a replica Sky-Hook from Bioshock. . . FOR ONLY $40!!! We had a feeling this was mismarked or something, so we decided to buy it while the price was still low! Good thing we did! When we got home later that night, we looked it up and the cheapest it was going for online was about $60-$70. So I think we got an AMAZING deal on that! When we took it out of the box, we were surprised to see that it was actually functioning! The trigger mechanism actually made the hooks at the end rotate, and the "engraving" was actually pretty impressive looking! Needless to say, this was a fantastic deal and I'm REALLY happy we got it! 

The amount of detail on this gun was surprising. The gun is super light to hold which is surprising since it's so big! It feels good in hand and would make a GREAT addition to a Booker cosplay! (**HINT HINT**)


Aaron has fulfilled his husbandly duties and gotten us tickets to Dallas Comic Con!!! I have never been so excited in my life! We've always talked about going, but we've never had the cash to do it. He's managed to get me a 3 day premium pass! So in honor of this momentous occasion, I've been planning some pretty important cosplays! Both me and Aaron are going to be cosplaying! Are y'all ready to find out what we've decided to Cosplay?! :D

Me: Amy Pond (Dr. Who)                                                    Aaron: Joel (The Last of Us)

Me: Harley Quinn                                                              Aaron: Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)

Me: T.A.R.D.I.S (Dr. Who)                                                  Aaron: Starlord (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Now, I know my Sunday TARDIS dress isn't exactly COSPLAY. I've already had the dress for a while, but both Aaron and I decided for the last day of the Con, we wanted to still dress up, but we wanted to be comfortable and enjoy it. This dress is super comfy! My parents got it for me while they were out shopping one day and even got the light up headband to match. 

As for Sunday (Harley Quinn) - this is the cosplay I'm currently working on...and it's proving to be a little more work than I anticipated. I'm still working on the tutu, but as soon as I get it done, I'll be posting a tutorial on how I did it! I've even got my mom working on her own with me! We plan on going to Scarborough Fair the weekend before Comic Con, so I was thinking about testing the tutu out then! I think the hardest part is gonna be tearing it up to make it look distressed and old...BUT we'll see how it turns out! I can't wait to share this with you guys! I've been so excited about it ever since Aaron told me he got the tickets! 

Hopefully I'll have the tutu done by the end of this week! Check back in to see if I've posted any updates! 

Anyone local going to Dallas Comic Con?! I'd love to meet y'all! 'Till the next update, stay nerdy! :D