Friday, February 27, 2015

New Tutorial Coming Soon!

Hey guys! Hope you're all surviving this crazy winter we've been having! Here in Oklahoma, it's snowing one day, then 60something degrees the next! During one of the pauses in the crazy weather, I managed to make it up to the store for some grocery shopping when inspiration hit! Knowing there's a possibility of being snowed in, I wanted a DIY project that could keep me preoccupied and keep me from getting cabin fever.

Who DOESN'T love a ratty, worn, vintage t-shirt!? I know I do! I scoured Pinterest for the perfect tutorial, but of course, I couldn't just settle with one, so I sorta mashed a few tutorials together, and I'll be putting my own spin on it!

I've already got most of the required materials for this DIY, BUT, in my true style, I forgot a few things :/ SO, I'll have to brave the bitter winter outside to get back to the store. But in the mean time, just know an AWESOME tutorial is coming your way!

Are you excited?! I know I am! What other kind of tutorials would you guys like to see? Let's start a conversation down below! Comment! Follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, or of course, here on the Ginger-Snap Blog! I'd really like to hear from you guys so drop a comment down below! :D

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