Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I feel like I keep having to make posts like this...
My feelings about life at the moment...
I know I promised a bunch of tutorials over spring break, but what can I say, my life is as crazy as I am. I managed to do some of the tutorials I promised, but a few didn't turn out the way I wanted/planned. SO, I didn't even want to post them, until I figured out an actual FUNCTIONING tutorial.

School is REALLY crazy right now, we're winding down to the end of the semester, and I've gotta put all my time and energy into projects, homework, and studying...but I PROMISE I'll try to throw SOME sort of post up on here for y'all here in the next couple weeks!

Any tutorial in particular y'all wanna see? Want another Treat yo Self post? Let me know in the comments below!!